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The Progress is Faster than Expected: Why can China Stepper Finally Succeed?

A few days ago, Xinhuanet published a rare article, "How can china Stepper break through?". In the past two years, the domestic Stepper has been developing in a low-key way, keeping the relevant progress confidential, and various kinds of grapevine news continue, but the official announcement of the news is very few, and the authoritative media such as xinhuanet personally released the news of Stepper progress is rare. From the current progress, the domestic Stepper is faster than expected, leaving little time for ASML to change their policy.

There is a large amount of information in this short news, and the key link of Stepper machine may be breaking through

From the current article, it can be seen that there is a large amount of information. The article pointed out that the news revealed that Shanghai Microelectronics is committed to developing a 28nm immersion Stepper, and is expected to deliver the first domestic SSA/800-10W Stepper equipment to the market by the end of 2023. The latest patent of Huawei has made a breakthrough in the core technology of Extreme ultraviolet lithography machine.

In simple word, China has big break through on this core technology of AI Chips Manufacturing with their own path.

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