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Shanghai Xizhi Mining Engineering Machinery Sales Co., Ltd.

No. 416, Jianye Road, Jinqiao South District, Pudong New Area
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Key Products:
Ore Crusher,Jaw Crusher
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
More than 500 people
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Brand Story:
Shanghai Xizhi Mining Engineering Machinery Sales Co., Ltd. is a distinguished provider of large machinery and equipment, specializing in a comprehensive range including ore crushers, jaw crushers, impact crushers, cone crushers, industrial mills, and mobile crushing stations. Located at No. 416 Jianye Road, Jinqiao South District, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, the company boasts a substantial workforce of over 500 employees. With a steadfast commitment to quality and innovation, Shanghai Xizhi Mining Engineering Machinery Sales Co., Ltd. serves global mining and construction industries. The company's products are recognized for their robust performance, reliability, and efficiency in processing various ores and minerals. Driven by a mission to lead in mining machinery solutions, Shanghai Xizhi Mining Engineering Machinery Sales Co., Ltd. continues to pioneer advancements in technology and service excellence. Through its strategic initiatives and customer-focused approach, the company remains a trusted partner in enhancing operational efficiency and productivity for its clients worldwide.
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