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Zhangjiagang Ruilaibo Machinery Co., Ltd.

No. 151, Renmin Middle Road, Zhangjiagang City
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Company Description
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Key Products:
Filling machine, packaging machine
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
1-50 people
Year Founded:
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Brand Story:
Zhangjiagang Ruilaibo Machinery Co., Ltd. specializes in the manufacturing of large machinery and equipment, focusing particularly on filling machines and packaging machinery. Located at No. 151 Renmin Middle Road, Zhangjiagang City, the company operates with a dedicated team of 1-50 employees committed to delivering high-quality solutions to meet diverse industrial needs. With a strong emphasis on innovation and efficiency, Zhangjiagang Ruilaibo Machinery Co., Ltd. caters to a wide range of sectors requiring advanced packaging and filling solutions. The company's products are known for their reliability, precision, and ability to streamline production processes, contributing significantly to the operational efficiency of its global clientele. As a progressive player in the machinery sector, Zhangjiagang Ruilaibo Machinery Co., Ltd. continues to uphold its reputation for excellence, driving forward with a vision to innovate and expand its market presence.
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