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Suqian Jianlu Import and Export Trade Co., Ltd.

No. 118, Kegong Road, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province
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Company Description
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Key Products:
Wool Yarn,Wool Fabric
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
1-50 people
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Brand Story:
Jiangsu Jianlu Group is a national large-scale worsted wool textile enterprise, a national high-tech enterprise, and a national contract-stressing and trustworthy enterprise; our "Jianlu" and "New Jianlu" trademarks are the well-known trademark in China. Established in 1985, our Group now has 2,600 employees, CNY 1 billion of total assets and branches of worsted woollen fabrics, top, yarn, wool sweaters, clothing, and leather shoes. With the capacity of an annual outputs of 10 million meters of worsted woollen fabrics, 5,000 tons of tops, 3,000 tons of yarns, 1 million pieces of sweaters, 1.2 million pairs of leather shoes, as well as 1.5 million sets of various suits, uniforms and casual clothes, we now are the designated production enterprise of uniforms and fabrics for over 10 professions such as public security, armed police, railway, taxation, court, procuratorate, and industry and business administration, etc. At the same time, we are also a manufacturer of export-oriented products, which are well sold in dozens of countries including UK, Germany, Italy, and the United States, etc.
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