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Liyang Elsen Clothing Co., Ltd.

Tianjiashan Industrial Park, Tianmuhu Town, Liyang, Changzhou City
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Company Description
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Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
51-100 people
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Brand Story:
Liyang Elsen Clothing Co., Ltd., located in Tianjiashan Industrial Park, Tianmuhu Town, Liyang, Changzhou City, specializes in the production of men's and women's knitwear. With a team of 51 to 100 dedicated professionals, we are committed to crafting high-quality knitwear that combines comfort, style, and durability. At Liyang Elsen Clothing Co., Ltd., we prioritize innovation and quality in every garment we produce. Our knitwear collection reflects our commitment to excellence, catering to diverse tastes and preferences in the fashion industry. We strive to exceed customer expectations through meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail, ensuring each piece meets our rigorous standards. Driven by a passion for fashion and a dedication to superior craftsmanship, Liyang Elsen Clothing Co., Ltd. aims to make a positive impact in the apparel industry by offering innovative knitwear solutions that inspire confidence and style.
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