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Nantong Lobo Clothing Co., Ltd.

B2208, Xinqian Plaza, No. 156 Gongnong South Road
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Company Description
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Key Products:
women's clothing
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
1-50 people
Year Founded:
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Brand Story:
Nantong Lobo Clothing Co., Ltd., located at B2208, Xinqian Plaza, No. 156 Gongnong South Road, specializes in the design and manufacture of women's clothing. With a team size ranging from 1 to 50 people, our company is dedicated to creating fashionable and high-quality apparel that meets the diverse tastes and preferences of modern women. At Nantong Lobo Clothing Co., Ltd., we prioritize customer satisfaction by offering stylish and comfortable clothing at competitive prices. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our attention to detail, from fabric selection to garment construction, ensuring that each piece meets stringent quality standards. Through continuous innovation and a customer-centric approach, we aim to expand our presence in the apparel market and build long-lasting relationships with our clients. Nantong Lobo Clothing Co., Ltd. strives to be a trusted partner in fashion, delivering trendsetting designs that resonate with the contemporary lifestyle.
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