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Xijin Yishang International Trade Co., Ltd.

Room 2111, Area A, Wanda Plaza, No. 51 Liangxi Road, Wuxi City
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Company Description
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Key Products:
Clothing and other textiles
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
1-50 people
Year Founded:
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Brand Story:
Xijin Yishang International Trade Co., Ltd., located in Wuxi City, specializes in the import and export of men's and women's clothing along with other textiles. Our office is situated at Room 2111, Area A, Wanda Plaza, No. 51 Liangxi Road. With a dedicated team of 1 to 50 people, we focus on delivering a diverse range of clothing and textile products to meet the varied needs of our global clientele. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction drives our operations, ensuring that we provide competitive pricing and reliable service. At Xijin Yishang International Trade Co., Ltd., we continuously strive to expand our product offerings and enhance our market presence through strategic partnerships and innovative solutions. By leveraging our industry knowledge and efficient supply chain management, we aim to foster long-term relationships while contributing positively to the global textile and clothing sectors.
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