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Sichuan Yilong Kefang Group Co., Ltd.

No. 1 Yingbin Avenue, Jingyan County, Sichuan Province
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Company Description
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Key Products:
Tooling Fabric,Functional Fabric
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
More than 500 people
Year Founded:
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Brand Story:
The company introduces lean management, adheres to the concept of "circular economy, ecological dyeing and finishing, and green development", builds a sewage treatment plant, and builds the first intelligent and green production plant in the region. It has been certified as a "green factory" and formed a benign closed loop of sustainable development. Possessing strong new product research and development, technological innovation capabilities and comprehensive competitiveness, it has rapidly developed into a leading and backbone enterprise in the textile industry in Leshan City, and has driven the common development of regional textile industry clusters, gradually forming a group operation. Since the company was founded more than ten years ago, the product sales have covered more than 30 domestic provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and exported to Europe, America, Russia, Germany and other overseas countries and regions.
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