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Guangxi Rongxian Junfa Clothing Co., Ltd.

No. 79 Industrial Avenue, Rongzhou Town, Rong County, Guangxi
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Company Description
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Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
101-500 people
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Brand Story:
Guangxi Rongxian Junfa Clothing Co., Ltd., located in Rong County, Guangxi, specializes in the manufacturing of men's and women's knitted clothing. Situated at No. 79 Industrial Avenue, Rongzhou Town, our company, led by yuzhipeng, operates with a team size ranging from 101 to 500 employees. We focus on producing high-quality knitted garments that combine comfort, style, and durability. Our facility is equipped with advanced knitting technology and adheres to rigorous quality control processes to ensure that each product meets the highest standards. At Guangxi Rongxian Junfa Clothing Co., Ltd., we are committed to meeting the diverse needs of our customers with innovative designs and superior craftsmanship. Our goal is to provide stylish and functional clothing solutions that enhance the wardrobe of every individual. As we continue to grow, we uphold our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction in the competitive marketplace.
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