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Shenzhen Jiazhongya Knitting Co., Ltd.

Area A, 4th Floor, Building 2, No. 17, Yigong 6th Road, Loucun Community, Gongming Street, Guangming New District, Shenzhen
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Company Description
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Key Products:
Knitted products, gloves
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
51-100 people
Year Founded:
Number of exhibitions
Brand Story:
Shenzhen Jiazhongya Knitting Co., Ltd., based in the bustling Guangming New District of Shenzhen, specializes in the production of a wide variety of men's and women's clothing items. Situated at Area A, 4th Floor, Building 2, No. 17, Yigong 6th Road, Loucun Community, Gongming Street, our company is dedicated to manufacturing knitted products, gloves, socks, woolen sweaters, towels, ribbons, and various clothing items. Led by a team of 51 to 100 professionals, we emphasize quality craftsmanship and innovation in every aspect of our operations. Our facility is equipped with advanced knitting technology and adheres to strict quality control measures to ensure superior products that meet the diverse needs of our customers. At Shenzhen Jiazhongya Knitting, we are committed to delivering excellence in both design and functionality. Our comprehensive range of clothing items reflects our dedication to providing stylish, comfortable, and durable solutions for everyday wear and specialized needs. As we continue to grow and innovate, we uphold our commitment to customer satisfaction and strive to exceed expectations in the competitive fashion industry.
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