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Pinghu Diman Special Garment Co., Ltd.

No. 99, Hongni Section, Zhawang Line, Danghu Street, Pinghu City
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Company Description
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Key Products:
Down jacket,cold jacket
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
101-500 people
Year Founded:
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Brand Story:
Pinghu Diman Special Garment Co., Ltd. stands as a cornerstone of innovation and quality in Pinghu City, renowned for its expertise in crafting men's and women's apparel. Specializing in down jackets, cold jackets, and casual unlined clothing, our commitment to excellence is woven into every garment we produce. Located at No. 99, Hongni Section, Zhawang Line, Danghu Street, our facilities buzz with creativity and precision, powered by a team of 101 to 500 skilled individuals. Here, tradition meets innovation as we blend advanced manufacturing techniques with meticulous craftsmanship to ensure each piece meets the highest standards of comfort, durability, and style. At Pinghu Diman, our brand story unfolds through collections that embrace both functionality and fashion-forward design. From urban streets to outdoor adventures, our garments are crafted to not only protect against the elements but also to elevate personal style. As we look towards the future, we remain dedicated to pushing boundaries in garment technology and design, empowering individuals with apparel that enhances their everyday experiences.
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