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Shaoxing Kuaishang Clothing Co., Ltd.

Room 224, 2nd Floor, Building 2, Waigushe Village, Paojiang, Shaoxing (west of Zhongxing Avenue)
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Company Description
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Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
1-50 people
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Brand Story:
Shaoxing Kuaishang Clothing Co., Ltd., situated in Room 224, 2nd Floor, Building 2, Waigushe Village, Paojiang, Shaoxing, specializes in the production of men's and women's clothing, with a particular focus on ladies' and girls' apparel. Operating with a registered capital of 500,000 yuan (10,000 yuan), the company employs between 1 to 50 people. Kuaishang Clothing is dedicated to creating fashionable and high-quality garments that cater specifically to the tastes and preferences of women and girls. Located strategically in Shaoxing, known for its textile industry, the company leverages its expertise in fabric selection and design to deliver stylish and trend-setting clothing lines. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, Shaoxing Kuaishang Clothing Co., Ltd. aims to expand its market reach and continue setting standards for contemporary fashion in the region and beyond.
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