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Taixing Boyang Clothing Co., Ltd.

No. 99 Fuxing East Road, Fenjie Town, Taixing City, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province
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Company Description
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Key Personnel:

Lu Koujuan(CEO)

Key Products:
Down jacket,light down jacket
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
More than 500 people
Year Founded:
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Brand Story:
Taixing Boyang Clothing Co., Ltd., located at No. 99 Fuxing East Road, Fenjie Town, Taixing City, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, specializes in the production of men's and women's clothing, particularly renowned for its expertise in down jackets. With an impressive annual turnover of 100 million yuan (10,000 yuan) and a robust workforce of more than 500 employees, Boyang Clothing is a leader in the industry. The company's commitment to quality craftsmanship and innovation is evident in its range of products, which includes down jackets, light down jackets, and specialized designs for both boys and girls. Boyang Clothing operates with a customer-centric approach, ensuring that each garment meets high standards of comfort, durability, and style. Through its Alibaba platform at, Taixing Boyang Clothing Co., Ltd. effectively reaches global markets, offering comprehensive solutions in winter wear. With a strategic location in Jiangsu Province, known for its textile industry, Boyang Clothing continues to expand its influence in the apparel sector, setting benchmarks for excellence in down jacket manufacturing.
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