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Zhuhai Wiseman Co., Ltd.

No. 1 Zhenwei South Road, Nanping Science and Technology Park, Zhuhai City
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Company Description
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Key Products:
Westman Wool,Woven
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
101-500 people
Year Founded:
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Brand Story:
Zhuhai Wiseman Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wiseman") was founded in 1987. The company is located in Nanping Science and Technology Industrial Park, Zhuhai. It has been focusing on the "one-stop design service" of fashionable sweaters for 32 years. It is a national high-tech Enterprise, "China Fashion Sweater R&D Base", also has a manufacturing integration capacity of 7 million pieces per year, and is currently the leading enterprise in the comprehensive strength of "one-stop design service" in China.
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