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Liupeng Clothing Firm, Xiliu Town, Haicheng City

Xiliu China Trade City, Haicheng City, Liaoning Province
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Company Description
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Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
101-500 people
Year Founded:
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Brand Story:
Liupeng Clothing Firm in Xiliu Town, Haicheng City, Liaoning Province, stands as a beacon of fashion and quality in the realm of men's and women's apparel. Located within the bustling Xiliu China Trade City, the firm specializes in a wide array of garments, including cotton wear, jackets, T-shirts, and men's attire. With a workforce ranging between 101 to 500 individuals, Liupeng Clothing Firm prides itself on its commitment to craftsmanship and customer satisfaction. Each piece of clothing reflects the firm's dedication to blending comfort with contemporary style, ensuring that every customer finds something that resonates with their personal taste and lifestyle. As a cornerstone of the local fashion landscape, Liupeng Clothing Firm continues to expand its influence, offering an extensive selection that meets the diverse needs of its clientele while upholding standards of quality and innovation.
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