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Zhejiang Huada Electric Co., Ltd.

No. 130, Jixing Road, Yongxing Industrial Zone, Longwan District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
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Company Description
Manufacture and sales: wall switches and sockets; export business of self-produced products and technologies and import business of mechanical equipment, spare parts, raw and auxiliary materials and technologies required by the company.
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Key Personnel:

Zhang Decong(CEO)

Key Products:
switch, socket
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
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Brand Story:
 Zhejiang Honghuo Electric Co.,Ltd. it grew out of the Zhejiang Huada Electrical Equipment Co.,Ltd which was established in 1985.The company USES the domestic advanced production line, the examination equipment, the technical talented person.The company specializes in the production of electronic and electrical products and accessories, products are exported to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, central Asia and other countries and regions. the realization of standardized management.
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