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Zhejiang Chint Electric Co., Ltd.

No. 1, Zhengtai Road, Zhengtai Industrial Park, Beibaixiang Town, Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province
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Company Description
Chint Group currently governs 6 major professional companies with more than 16,000 employees. It has more than 2,000 sales companies and special distribution offices all over the country, and has set up 8 branches and more than 30 general sales agents abroad. countries and regions. The company's products cover more than 300 series, more than 5,000 varieties, and more than 20,000 specifications of high and low voltage electrical appliances, power transmission and distribution equipment, instruments and meters, industrial automation, construction electrical appliances, and automotive electrical appliances.
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Key Personnel:

Zeng Yangjian(CEO)

Key Products:
power tranmission , electric equipment
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
Year Founded:
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Brand Story:
Zhejiang Chint Electric Co., Ltd., a powerhouse in the field of electronic and electrical products, has established itself as a global leader in innovation and manufacturing. With a robust presence spanning over 6 major professional companies and employing more than 16,000 dedicated individuals, Chint Group operates an extensive network of over 2,000 sales companies and specialized distribution offices nationwide. Internationally, the company boasts 8 branches and over 30 general sales agents across numerous countries and regions. Chint's product portfolio is equally impressive, encompassing more than 300 series and over 5,000 varieties of high and low voltage electrical appliances, power transmission and distribution equipment, instruments and meters, industrial automation solutions, construction electrical appliances, and automotive electrical components. Situated in the heart of Yueqing, Zhejiang Province, at No. 1 Zhengtai Road, Zhengtai Industrial Park, Beibaixiang Town, Zhejiang Chint Electric Co., Ltd. continues to drive forward with a commitment to technological advancement and customer satisfaction under the leadership of Zeng Yangjian.
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