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Zhejiang Jinjiang Industrial Co., Ltd.

3rd Floor, No. 45, Tianmushan Road, Hangzhou
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Company Description
Our company is a joint-stock limited company established in 1992. The company's domestic trade is mainly engaged in chemical products, and its import and export is mainly engaged in automatic mahjong machines and textile products. Products are exported to European and American markets
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Key Personnel:

Liao Xuan(CEO)

Key Products:
automation equipments
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
Year Founded:
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Brand Story:
Established in 1992, Zhejiang Jinjiang Industrial Co., Ltd. is a distinguished joint-stock limited company based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Initially rooted in domestic trade with a focus on chemical products, Jinjiang has expanded its reach globally through a robust import and export business, specializing in automatic mahjong machines and textile products. With a keen eye on international markets, Jinjiang Industrial exports its diverse range of products to Europe and the Americas, leveraging its strategic location and efficient logistics networks. The company’s commitment to quality and innovation has solidified its position as a trusted supplier in the global marketplace. Guided by a vision of excellence and driven by a spirit of enterprise, Jinjiang Industrial continues to explore new avenues for growth while maintaining strong partnerships worldwide.
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