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Zhenjiang Xinpengxiang Leather Industry Co., Ltd.

Gaoqiao Town Industrial Park, Dantu District, Zhenjiang City
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Company Description
Our company has a registered capital of 2 million yuan, was established in 2008, and is registered in Gaoqiao Town Industrial Park, Dantu District, Zhenjiang City. It is mainly engaged in the production and sales of snow boots and fur clothing. Our company has been rated as a provincial leading agricultural enterprise by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission. The company's annual self-operated export sales volume is 5 million US dollars, and there are 388 sets of professional shoe-making equipment. There are 25 professional and technical personnel. The company's main products are sold to the United States, Japan, Australia, Russia and other regions and countries.
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Key Personnel:

Tao Jianqiang(CEO)

Key Products:
snow boots
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
No of Employees:
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Brand Story:
Established in 2008, Zhenjiang Xinpengxiang Leather Industry Co., Ltd. stands as a hallmark of craftsmanship in the production and sales of snow boots and fur clothing. Situated in the serene Gaoqiao Town Industrial Park, Dantu District, Zhenjiang City, our company boasts a registered capital of 2 million yuan. Recognized as a provincial leading agricultural enterprise by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, we uphold the highest standards of quality and innovation. Equipped with 388 sets of state-of-the-art shoe-making equipment and supported by a team of 25 dedicated professionals, we strive for excellence in every product. Our annual self-operated export sales volume reaches 5 million US dollars, with our premium snow boots and fur clothing finding homes in markets spanning the United States, Japan, Australia, Russia, and beyond. At Zhenjiang Xinpengxiang Leather Industry, we blend tradition with modernity to deliver superior products that embody comfort, style, and durability, ensuring customer satisfaction worldwide.
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