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Aikon Biotechnology (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.

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Company Description
Aikang Biotechnology integrates R&D, production and sales. The products are exported to more than 130 countries, the main products are: blood glucose meter, urine tester, hemoglobin tester, cholesterol tester and some PCR detection products. Aikang is committed to becoming a global expert in rapid diagnosis. Aikang is worthy of your trust!
Business information
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Key Products:
cholestrol tester, urine tester
Annual Sales:
Above 10M USD
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Number of exhibitions
Brand Story:
Aikon Biotechnology (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. epitomizes innovation and excellence in the field of rapid medical diagnostics. Established as a beacon of precision and reliability, Aikon seamlessly integrates research, production, and global distribution of cutting-edge healthcare solutions. Our extensive product portfolio includes blood glucose meters, urine testers, hemoglobin and cholesterol testers, alongside advanced PCR detection products, all meticulously designed to meet international standards. With a steadfast commitment to advancing healthcare worldwide, Aikon Biotechnology operates at the forefront of rapid diagnostic technology. Our products, trusted and utilized in over 130 countries, exemplify our dedication to precision and quality. At Aikon, every innovation is a testament to our mission: to empower healthcare professionals with tools that enhance patient care and diagnostic accuracy. With Aikon Biotechnology, trust in excellence and reliability — because your health deserves nothing less.
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