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Yangjiang Heli Industrial Co., Ltd.

District 9, Nahuo Industrial Zone, Yangdong District, Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province
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Company Description
Yangjiang Heli Industrial Co., Ltd. is located in Guangdong Province. The company operates in Stainless Steel Tableware, Other Tableware, Cutlery Set, Steak Knife, Knife Set, Plasterboard, Putty Knife
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Key Personnel:

Feng Dewei(CEO)

Key Products:
Kitchen Utensils, Kitchen Miscellaneous
Annual Sales:
5~10M USD
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Brand Story:
Wellfit is one of Yangjiang's largest,m-ost experienced manufacturers of kit-chenware,scissors and multifunction tools,and a leading OEM supplier for many of the top brands in these resp-ective industries. Our customers rely on us to deliver excellent products with competitive pricing and reliable service. Wellfit's in-house development team will w-ork with your design staff to devel-op unique new products and conti-nually freshen your product lineup. In addition,Wellfit offers a full range of complimentary value added vendor services,from designing merchandis-ing displays to arranging QC inspec-tions and compliance testing with accredited organizations such as SGS-China. We welcome the opportunity to work with you.
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