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Yangjiang Herun Trading Co., Ltd.

No. 356, Shiwan Road, Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province
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Company Description
Yangjiang Herun Trading Co., Ltd. is located in Guangdong Province. The company operates in Makeup Kits, Other Makeup Tools, Other Personal Care Appliances
Business information
Primary company types:
Seconddary company types:
Key Personnel:

Zhang Yibin(CEO)

Key Products:
Beauty, Personal Care
Annual Sales:
5~10M USD
No of Employees:
Year Founded:
Number of exhibitions
Brand Story:
Yangjiang Herun Trading Co., Ltd. was founded in 1997 with a passion for enhancing personal beauty through quality products. Situated in Yangjiang, Guangdong Province, the company specializes in a diverse range of makeup kits and personal care appliances. With a mission to empower individuals to express their beauty, Herun combines innovative designs with practical functionality, ensuring that each product meets the evolving needs of beauty enthusiasts. From the outset, Herun has emphasized research and development, continuously striving to integrate the latest trends and technologies into its offerings. This commitment to quality has established a strong reputation for the brand, appealing to both consumers and retailers looking for reliable beauty solutions. The company’s product range includes various makeup tools designed to elevate the application experience, making beauty accessible and enjoyable for everyone. As it looks to the future, Yangjiang Herun remains dedicated to sustainable practices and responsible manufacturing. By prioritizing eco-friendly materials and ethical sourcing, the company aims to reduce its environmental footprint while delivering exceptional products. This focus on quality, innovation, and sustainability positions Yangjiang Herun Trading as a leader in the personal care appliance market, dedicated to enriching the beauty routines of consumers around the world.
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