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Guangzhou Mika Goods Co., Ltd

O2O Sourcing Build Trust
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Company Description

Is a product unavailable on our platform? No worries! We’ll go the extra mile to find it, fulfill your requirement, and give you a seamless buying experience.

Meekaam goes beyond simply selling and delivering products available on our platform. We have partnered with Sourcing Captain, a team of project delivery managers, mostly PMP certified, to serve as our offline service team. This way, we can help our overseas online customers find what they seek offline as well.

How does it work?

Sourcing Captain- with over 16 years of experience in the field- will build a customized supply chain in a timely manner- just for you. We buy on your behalf with just a 5% commission, so you won’t have to worry about high costs.

This way, you don’t have to risk delays or downtimes in your production.

Business information
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Key Personnel:

Gary Kiu(CEO)

Key Products:
Industrial Goods
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Industrial Goods Sourcing Direct
"MsoNormal">You can find over (50,000) of Asia’s leading industrial brands and manufacturers who have participated in the world-renowned Canton Fair - China’s top industrial products expo since 1957.

From long-established manufacturers to the newest breed of industrial brands in various niches, we scour, screen, and sign up the best and most trusted.

Our team of technical experts in various niches examine quality, specifications, and authenticity before bringing them on board our platform.

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