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Anshuo Stationery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

No. 111 Xuezi South Road, Xianghuaqiao Street, Qingpu District, Shanghai
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Company Description
Anshuo Stationery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is located in Shanghai. The company operates in Colored pencils, watercolor paints, art markers, crayons
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Key Personnel:

Bi Bo(CEO)

Key Products:
colored pencils, colored pencils
Annual Sales:
500~1000 USD
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Brand Story:
Anshuo Stationery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., established in 2003, is a leading manufacturer renowned for its high-quality art supplies. Situated in Shanghai's Qingpu District, the company specializes in a diverse range of products, including colored pencils, watercolor paints, art markers, and crayons. Under the globally recognized Marco brand, Anshuo is part of Axus Stationery, one of the largest wooden pencil manufacturers in the world. Since its inception, Marco has been committed to the principles of quality, safety, and sustainability. The company was an early adopter of the non-toxic concept, emphasizing product safety and environmental responsibility. With over 25 years of experience, Marco is celebrated for its dedication to creating reliable and innovative art supplies that are trusted and loved by consumers in over 80 countries. Anshuo continues to uphold these values, reinforcing its position as a key player in the global stationery market.
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