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Shanghai Jiayun Stationery Co., Ltd.

3rd Floor, No. 218, Hengfeng Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai
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Company Description
Shanghai Jiayun Stationery Co., Ltd. is located in Shanghai. The company operates in Brushes, art kits, painting books, painting tubes, digital paints, canvases, loose-leaf bags, briefcases, organ bags, PVC file protection bags, paper products, notebooks, diaries, boxed books, photobooks, pads , sketchbook, index card, environmentally friendly recycled book, glue book, sticky note, art book
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Primary company types:
Trading Company
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Key Personnel:

Feng Xiangjun(CEO)

Key Products:
brushes, folders
Annual Sales:
500~1000 USD
No of Employees:
less than 50 people
Year Founded:
Number of exhibitions
Brand Story:
Shanghai Jiayun Stationery Co., Ltd. was founded in 2004 in the heart of Shanghai’s Jing'an District, with a vision to cater to the diverse needs of artists, students, and professionals through a comprehensive range of high-quality stationery products. From vibrant art kits and digital paints to meticulously crafted brushes and versatile notebooks, Jiayun offers an extensive selection designed to inspire creativity and support everyday organizational needs. Their product line also includes essential items such as PVC file protection bags, environmentally friendly recycled books, and various paper products. As a private trading company, Shanghai Jiayun Stationery Co., Ltd. emphasizes quality and innovation in its offerings, striving to build a global presence by meeting the exacting standards of a wide customer base. With a focus on providing reliable and diverse stationery solutions, Jiayun is committed to enhancing both artistic endeavors and organizational efficiency. Their dedication to excellence and their wide-ranging product portfolio make them a trusted partner for anyone seeking to elevate their creative or administrative activities.
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