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Shanghai Tianmao Stationery Co., Ltd.

No. 189 Xindan Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai
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Company Description
Shanghai Tianmao Stationery Co., Ltd. is located in Shanghai. The company operates in Art kits, crayons, oil pastels, paints, crayons, painting combinations, drawing pens, painting material sets, other painting supplies, palettes, painting products, gouache paints
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Key Personnel:

Miss Xie(CEO)

Key Products:
Tianmao stationery,calender
Annual Sales:
500~1000 USD
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Brand Story:
Shanghai Tianmao Stationery Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer established in 1999, located at No. 189 Xindan Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai. Specializing in a variety of art supplies, the company offers products such as art kits, crayons, oil pastels, paints, drawing pens, and painting material sets. Their product range also includes palettes, painting products, and gouache paints. With a workforce of 150 to 500 employees, Shanghai Tianmao operates as a WFOE (Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise) and provides OEM services. The company's extensive selection and focus on quality make it a significant player in the art supplies market. For more information, visit their website at [](
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